
Flexbar exercises for Golfer's Elbow

Flexbar Exercises For Golfer’s Elbow

Flexbar exercises for Golfer’s elbow are incredibly helpful for both acute and chronic elbow pain. Golfer’s elbow or medial epicondylitis is characterized by pain in the inner elbow. This is an overuse type of injury and affects people who perform repetitive tasks with their hands/forearms: mechanics, electricians, golfers!

Most cases of medial epicondylitis or golfers elbow occurs when the demands of the task are greater than they current ability level of the muscles. This can be from prolonged low grade strain tasks like using a screwdriver, or it can be from a shorter bout of forceful golf swings or weight lifting. In both cases, the strain exceeds the body’s ability to withstand work, and golfer’s elbow is a result. We have a full breakdown of Golfer’s elbow in this post if you want to learn even more.

Check out our video demonstration on how to use the flexbar for Golfer’s elbow.

Medial Epicondylitis Flexbar Demonstration

Flexbar Exercises for Golfer’s Elbow Protocol

Flexbar exercises for Golfer’s elbow and flexbar exercises for medial epicondylitis, strengthen the specific muscles that lead to medial elbow pain. The flexor and the pronator teres muscles of the forearm are involved in medial epicondylitis. Using the flexbar, we can create eccentric load meaning we are strengthening while lengthening the muscle. When performed consistently over a period of 8-12 weeks, you will see significant improvement in your inner elbow pain. Other things may need to be looked at when dealing with golfer’s elbow. Gradually returning to full activity, modifying ergonomics for your work, and changing exercise technique to deload the elbow.

If you are dealing with Tennis elbow, we also have a flexbar video for those with outer elbow pain. If you want a comprehensive treatment plan for your elbow pain, schedule with one of our San Diego Sports chiropractors. Click the “Schedule Now” button above or call our office at 619-818-4306. We are conveniently located in Mission Valley, San Diego.