Sports injuries are injuries that occur in athletic activities. They can result from acute trauma, or from overuse of a particular body part

Techniques for the Best Sports Massage

Techniques for the Best Sports Massage

Sports massages are beneficial to athletes of all levels. When performing a sports massage, technique is very important. The main reason technique is important is to ensure no further damage is being done. The best time to receive a sports massage is referred to as a post-event massage. The reason for a post-event massage is to return the body back to normality and oftentimes prevent an injury.

All sports massages are broken up into three main categories of techniques: effleurage, petrissage, and frictions. A few less common techniques are percussion and vibrations. Sports massages come with many benefits. Some of these benefits include enhanced circulation, reduced muscle tension, relieved mental tension, stimulated nerves, and injury prevention.

Effleurage is always used first in a massage to warm up the muscles and at the end of a massage to relax the body. Effleurage consists of a variety of strokes with the palm of the hand and the fingers spread wide. This technique ensures that the muscles are warmed, circulation is increased, and the body is prepared for deeper strokes to come. These strokes are meant to be firm, but compared to the rest of these techniques the strokes are fairly light. It is often during this stage that the problem areas are discovered.

Petrissage is often referred to as kneading. This is a technique that targets the deeper tissue. Petrissage must be performed carefully because this is a powerful technique that is particularly effective in mobilizing fluids into the deeper tissues and applying a good stretch to the tighter muscles.

Frictions are performed by using long, slow strokes and sometimes are performed in a circular motion. Frictions are not used for a long time during the massage because they are often painful. They can be used to search for muscle problems and break down scar tissue. Frictions often clear away waste and correct muscle problems but also tend to cause inflammation. Frictions should be followed by a round of effleurage to help with this inflammation.

The last two techniques are not as common but are still very effective. Percussion includes several techniques clumped together. These techniques include a chopping motion, a tapping of the fingertips to help the nerves, and sometimes slapping or a light pounding with the fists. All of these motions contribute to the reason why this technique is called percussion. Another technique used called vibrations is performed by the hand shaking the legs or back in a shuddering motion. The outcome of vibrations is often a calming of the nerves.

A sports massage therapist will use a variety of these methods. A skilled therapist assesses the body’s needs before and during the massage process. Whether you are a professional athlete, recreational athlete, or a fitness enthusiast, adding a sports massage to your weekly routine could drastically change your life and peak your performance.

Shoulder Instability and Chiropractic Care

Shoulder Instability and Chiropractic Care

Shoulder instability occurs when the structures surrounding the shoulder joint are unable to properly hold the ball in its socket. Ongoing instability can lead to overall shoulder dysfunction, making it an issue that should be addressed as soon as possible so that a treatment plan can be developed.

What causes shoulder instability?

Anyone who has suffered a prior shoulder dislocation is at an increased risk for shoulder instability. When the joint comes completely out of place, this can tear the ligaments. These ligaments will eventually heal, however they often are looser than they once were, creating instability and the possibility of future dislocations.

In addition to a full dislocation, instability can also cause a shoulder subluxation. This occurs when the joint only partially comes out of place.

Athletes who participate in sports that involve repeated overhead arm motions such as baseball pitchers and volleyball players have a higher risk than most of stretching out their shoulder ligaments which, in turn, can create shoulder instability. Others may have loose shoulder joints due to a connective tissue disorder that affects joints throughout the body, which sometimes can be referred to as ‘double jointed.’

Chiropractic treatment:

When it comes to treatment, it is important to keep in mind that each patient’s needs are different. Sports taping can provide additional support that can be especially helpful for athletes.

One option that your chiropractor may suggest is a strength training exercise plan in order to help build support around the shoulder joint. Chiropractic manipulation may be used in conjunction with an exercise plan, but it also can be used on its own. In order to achieve the best results, patients should continue with chiropractic treatment on a regular basis.

Thanks to these chiropractic treatments, many patients are able to avoid a costly surgery. Be sure to contact Peak Form Health Center if you have any questions about shoulder instability and/or chiropractic care.

Concussions and Chiropractic

Concussions and Chiropractic

From car accidents to sports injuries, there are a number of possible causes of concussions. According to the CDC, a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that can affect the way the brain works. Although the severity of each one will vary, they all should be taken seriously. A few examples of some symptoms that may be associated with concussions include dizziness, headache, blurry vision, memory loss, nausea and vomiting. Thanks to improvements in technology, more concussions are being diagnosed than ever before and, as a result, fewer of them are being left untreated.

Not everyone may be aware of this fact, but chiropractors receive extensive training when it comes to recognizing concussions. Along with the actual head injury itself, there can often be a neck injury inflicted at the same time with symptoms of its own that may be difficult to differentiate from those of the concussion. Your chiropractor can not only help identify these injuries, but he or she will also help develop a treatment plan to alleviate painful symptoms and help your body heal properly! Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins is an excellent example of an athlete who received successful chiropractic treatment that helped improve both his cognitive and physical abilities after suffering a concussion during a hockey game.

If you ever suffer a head injury while playing a sport, be sure not ignore it and keep playing. Let a medical professional examine you to determine whether or not you have a concussion.

rock climbing injury

Rock Climbing and Pulley Injuries

Finger pulley tears are one of the most common injuries in rock climbing, but many climbers may not know how to identify or treat this type of injury. What is a pulley, anyways? A pulley could best be described as a group of fibers that help secure tendons to the bone. For those who may be experiencing a finger pulley injury, be on the lookout for the following:

  • Grade I (sprain):

    Symptoms may include some pain when squeezing or climbing. Treatment may include taping the injured finger to relieve stress and massaging the finger at the injury site. Squeezing a putty such as TheraPutty a few times each day is also a very good tool to aid in recovery. Climbing is okay, but should be done at a reduced level of difficulty. Soft tissue treatment such as Graston and Active Release Technique (ART) can be effective for in the initial phases for Grade I.

  • Grade II (partial rupture of pulley tendon):

    Symptoms include pain with squeezing or climbing and possibly when extending the finger. Treatment can include massage and putty, as with Grade I, but no climbing should be done for the first 1-2 weeks. When it is time to return to climbing, start back slowly and tape the fingers.

  • Grade III (complete rupture of pulley):

    Symptoms can include sharp pain at the pulley, you may hear a “pop” sound, possible bruising and swelling, pain when squeezing/climbing. Treatment may include taking ibuprofen and the regular use of a cold compress for the first couple of days. No climbing! A splint may be used to immobilize the injured tendons. After 4-8 weeks, putty can start to be used to help strengthening, along with the Grade II treatment.

As with any injury, your first step should be to seek care from a medical professional to determine the correct treatment plan, but these descriptions are intended to serve as a general guideline of what to expect from a pulley injury. If you’re in pain, make sure you don’t ignore it!

Preventing Shoulder injuries

Preventing Swimming Injuries

With the summer months upon us, there are bound to be more people swimming, which also increases the chance of swimming related injuries. Swimming is one of the most popular low-impact fitness activities. There is a wide range of skill between those swimming competitively and those that choose it as a recreational sport. The majority of swimming athletes practice and compete year-round. Elite swimmers sometimes train more than five miles per day, putting their joints through intense repetitive motion. Depending on the stroke used, the majority of swimming injuries affect the shoulders, knees, hips, or back. Minor injuries can cause shoulders to become unstable and lead to shoulder pain and tendinitis. Other frequent injuries include inner knee and hip issues from breaststroke kicking, as well as back injuries from dolphin kicks or dry-land cross-training.

Typically, the most common injuries are shoulder and lower body injuries. The shoulder is the one joint most commonly affected by swimming injuries and overuse. Shoulder injuries could include rotator cuff impingement, in which there is pressure on the rotator cuff from part of the scapula or shoulder blade as the arm is lifted for a stroke. Fatigue and weakness of the rotator cuff and muscles surrounding the shoulder blade can result in biceps tendinitis (painful inflammation of the bicep tendon) and shoulder instability, wherein structures that surround the shoulder joint do not work to maintain the ball within its socket. Knee injuries that involve the tendons and ligaments are also common. Swimmers who regularly do the breaststroke may also experience hip pain from inflammation of the tendons in the hip. Back problems, as well as lower back disk problems, may be increased by the dolphin kick which is often used in competitive swimming.

Correcting one’s technique may help prevent these conditions from affecting your swimming. Using good, symmetrical body rotation will help prevent shoulder injuries. Changing your stroke technique to enter the water with a flat hand, finger tip first will also benefit. Furthermore, many swimmers don’t give very much attention to their upper body posture when swimming. If you are one that has poor posture from your daily life already, it can really affect how your muscles work when you are swimming. To introduce better posture while you swim, try to consciously think about having your shoulders back and chest forward. If possible, lessen the repetitive strokes that are causing overuse injuries. Be sure to exercise your muscles regularly when out of the water to keep your muscles and ligaments strong and flexible. Always speak with a sports medicine professional or athletic trainer if you have any concerns about injuries or prevention strategies.

Hopefully you do not encounter any of these injuries and can continue to enjoy your swimming activities, whether it be for personal enjoyment or competitive swimming.

Prevent Running Injuries

Run Healthy, Prevent Injury

Running is a great means of exercise, recreation, and sport participation for adults and children. As the weather improves and people spend their time outdoors running and training, the risk of injuries also increase. Whether you are maintaining your daily exercise regimen or training for a marathon or track event, running, when done properly, can enhance your physical coordination, fitness, sense of accomplishment and physical and emotional development. Even so, running with inadequate equipment or while in pain can cause a variety of injuries and physical stress.

Common running injuries include knee injuries like tendonitis and knee pain as well as lower leg pain like shin splints, stress fractures and calf pain. In addition, it is common for runners to occasionally have foot and ankle injuries like sprains, heal pain, and plantar fasciitis. Pelvic and hip injuries can also occur in runners varying from muscle pulls to groin pain, and in children sometimes growth plate stress injuries arise. One major organ in your body, your skin, also is susceptible to injury especially when outdoors. Heat rash and sunburns may seem minor, but dehydration and heat stroke can be very serious.

Signs that you may have an injury like those previously listed could begin with just minor discomfort when running. However, if the pain continues, gets worse or you notice pain even while resting, you may have a more serious problem. Furthermore, if you start having trouble sleeping, walking or breathing you should seriously consider consulting a sports medicine expert. It is important to stop running if you experience these signs or feel you may have an injury. Pushing through your pain only makes the problem worse, which will potentially keep you from running for a long period of time. However, stopping when there is a problem and correcting it will get you back running again in the quickest and safest amount of time. Most of the time, running injuries can be easily treated if they are attended to quickly. If you ever experience any problems during or after running, it is important to consult a sports medicine professional immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Proper planning and safety can help you prevent future injuries. Develop a running plan with a trainer or coach and make a strategy that is compatible with your goal and your current level of fitness. Remember to stay hydrated, stretch properly and ease into your running pace. Wear flexible, breathable clothing and if outdoors, consider wearing a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen when needed. Proper socks and thickness will help avoid irritation and blisters. Moreover, it is very important to wear appropriate shoes with good support in the arches that fit well and are comfortable. If necessary, wear orthotic shoe inserts for increased support.

ProForm is available to answer any questions you have about injury prevention or help assess your running injuries and get back on your feet!

Preventing Soccer Injuries

Preventing Soccer Injuries

Soccer is an excellent way to build endurance, improve speed and stay in shape, all while enjoying being a part of a team. Nevertheless, soccer does involve quick start-and-stop motions and physical contact, which can lead to injury. The risk of injury is no reason not to play soccer however. Players simply need to be aware of the risks and know what steps they can take to play as safely as possible.

Sprains and strains are very common injuries in soccer, with varying forms of severity. Other injuries could include stress fractures and muscle strains from repeated overuse and direct blows to the body. Soccer players are also prone to shin splints, patellar tendinitis, and Achilles tendinitis. These injuries occur in the lower extremities, whereas neck sprains and concussions are common in the upper extremities. Injuries to the head, neck face are sometimes unavoidable. Just like wrist sprains, fractures and shoulder dislocations are unfortunately common due to falls and player-to-player contact.

The best place to start in prevention of these injuries is to have a pre-season physical examination and follow your doctor’s recommendations during the season. Using well-fitting cleats and shin guards is important in prevention. Molded and multi-studded cleats may be safer than screw-in cleats. Stay hydrated when out on the field and maintain proper fitness throughout the sport’s season. Injury rates are known to be higher in athletes who have not adequately prepared physically and remember to stretch adequately before and after your time on the field. After being inactive in the sport, progress gradually back to full-contact soccer through activities such as aerobic conditioning, agility training, and strength training.

Some of the greatest advice in preventing soccer injuries is to avoid overuse injuries. When it comes to the health of your body, more is not always better. Many sports medicine experts believe that it is helpful to take at least one season off each year. Although it’s hard, try to avoid the pressure that is now forced on many young athletes to over-train. Always listen to your body and decrease training time and intensity if pain or discomfort continues to increase. It will reduce the risk of injury and help avoid “burn-out.” Most injuries can be prevented to an extent. The last thing anyone wants to do is put an early end to his/her soccer career because they didn’t listen to their body and take care of themselves. As always, speak with a sports medicine professional if you have any concerns about injuries or soccer injury prevention strategies.

In order to keep kids and adults out on the field long-term and enjoy the sport of soccer, injury prevention, early detection, and treatment are significantly important.

golf injury san diego

Golf is a Game of Recovery

Golf is a sport that takes patience, diligence, and precision. Priority is not placed on the max a golfer can bench (their strength) or the pace at which they can run (their speed and endurance) like a majority of other sports. It is in the ability of the golfer to allow the club to do the work, to relax in their stance, and keep their eyes on the ball. Golf takes practice. The best golfers start at a young age and practice, practice, and practice. This is the reason that one of the greatest causes of injuries in golfers is overuse.

Overuse injuries occur over time. They are caused by repetitive motion. The most common overuse injuries for golfers are injuries in the joints, muscles, and tendons of a golfer’s back, shoulders, and elbows. Studies show that 44 percent of injuries in youth golfers are due to overuse. Children and adults are more prone to injury if they are not flexible, in bad condition, practice and play an extreme amount, do not use the correct form, or hit the ground often. Studies have indicated that the number of times a golfer hits a ball is directly correlated to the number of injuries that golfer has.

Acute injuries generally occur when a golfer does not use the correct technique. It is an injury that happens at one moment, but takes days, weeks, or even months to recover from. A golfer using the wrong form, hitting the ground too hard, or carrying their bag incorrectly can cause this type of injury.

The greatest factor causing golfers to face overuse or acute injuries is a lack of flexibility. Studies show that the majority of golfers (80%) take less than 10 minutes to warm up and stretch before a round of golf. Those who did not warm up had double the amount of injuries than those who did. This is also the easiest, most practical way for a golfer to prevent injury. Increase flexibility and decrease the amount of injuries. A golfer should also ensure that their techniques are correct. If their form is wrong, they greatly increase their risk of injury.

dr. rose

Preventing Injuries – Baseball Pitcher

img005Overhead throwing creates a variety of challenges for baseball players, especially pitchers. Due to the biomechanical consequences of repetitive throwing, pitchers are at increased risk for a variety of shoulder and elbow injuries such as shoulder impingement, labral tears, and ulnar collateral ligament tears. These injuries can often lead to long periods of recovery and, in some cases, surgery.

One of the biomechanical changes that pitchers undergo is a loss of internal (or forward rotation) rotation in their shoulder joint. With repetitive cocking of the shoulder backward, pitchers develop tightness in an area of the back of the shoulder joint called the posterior capsule. This tightness leads to a decrease in the internal rotation of the throwing shoulder as compared to the non-throwing shoulder as seen in the images below. This is called Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit or GIRD. GIRD has been shown to be a risk factor for SLAP labral tears and UCL ligament tears. Both injuries typically require surgery and recovery time of 12-18 months.


One way to avoid these debilitating injuries is to prevent GIRD. The best way to prevent GIRD or reduce GIRD, if it is already present, is through a simple stretch called the sleeper stretch. The sleeper stretch is performed by lying on your throwing side with your arm at 90 degrees from the trunk. From this position, the arm is rotated forward into internal rotation and held for 30 seconds (see images below). This stretch should be built into a pitcher’s daily routine. Over time, consistent stretching can lead to reversal of GIRD and thus a decrease in a significant risk factor for serious pitching injuries.


breast cancer survivor

Medieval Tools Increase Quality of Life of Breast Cancer Survivors

The Graston Technique for Breast Cancer Survivors

The Graston Technique is a form of deep tissue massage that is becoming increasingly popular. In the past, this method has proved to be effective for athletes as they overcome sport injuries, being utilized in the NBA and NFL. Scar tissue develops around an athlete’s injury causing chronic pain and a lack of mobility. Through the use of medieval looking stainless steel tools, the professionals are able to first locate the scarring as the equipment vibrates over hardened tissue. Then, they are able to manually break up the deep tissue, allowing the blood to flow freely. This removes the damaged tissue enabling the new tissue to grow.

More recently, the Graston Technique has proved to be successful in helping not only athletes but breast cancer patients as well. Whether the breast cancer survivor had a mastectomy or their lymph’s removed, this method is able to decrease pain and increase the individual’s range of motion and good posture. Chiropractors target the area of the surgery and are able to decrease the scarring through putting pressure on the deep, damaged tissues repetitively.

The method is painful, dissuading the faint of heart as it can lead to bruising. But, it’s long term effects are worth the temporary discomfort as it enables the athlete and the breast cancer survivor to have a better quality of life. If looking into it, the Graston Technique is not fully covered by insurance but the process is frequently a normal component of physical therapy.