Entries by admin

Golf is a Game of Recovery

Golf is a sport that takes patience, diligence, and precision. Priority is not placed on the max a golfer can bench (their strength) or the pace at which they can run (their speed and endurance) like a majority of other sports. It is in the ability of the golfer to allow the club to do […]

Preventing Injuries – Baseball Pitcher

Overhead throwing creates a variety of challenges for baseball players, especially pitchers. Due to the biomechanical consequences of repetitive throwing, pitchers are at increased risk for a variety of shoulder and elbow injuries such as shoulder impingement, labral tears, and ulnar collateral ligament tears. These injuries can often lead to long periods of recovery and, […]

The Power of ART – Active Release Technique

Struggling with carpal tunnel can be a debilitating experience. The inflammation around tissues and nerves in the wrist can make it difficult to perform daily tasks. The classic symptoms of carpal tunnel include numbness or pain that occurs on the thumb-side of the hand, pain that radiates up to the shoulder, and the muscles in […]