Home Treatment fr Plantar Fasciitis

Home Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis can be a frustrating condition to deal with for both the patient and the practitioner. While challenging, we have seen excellent results in resolving plantar fasciitis at our San Diego sports injury clinic. The combination of Graston/Active Release Technique combined with specific home treatment for plantar fasciitis work well to eliminate it for good! Keep reading for our home treatment for plantar fasciitis strategies and check our our Youtube video.

4 Phase Home Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

  1. Stretch and Mobilize– Foam rolling, lacrosse ball massage, and specific stretches are primarily used in this treatment phase. The goal is to alleviate tension that may be causing pain, faulty biomechanics, and other compensations.
  2. Plantar Fasciitis Specific Strengthening– Foot exercises are used to help strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the foot to help support the arch, foot, and ankle. Eccentric lower leg exercises are prescribed to help stretch and strengthen the surrounding tissue. Research has shown that eccentric loading exercises for plantar fasciitis has significant benefit.
  3. Global Strengthening- As symptoms improve, it is important to work on strength and balance moving up the lower extremity. Typically this involves core, hip, posterior chain strengthening to support the entire leg.
  4. Sport Specific Strategies- Depending on the sport or activity, sport specific strategies are necessary for successful “return to play”. For example, as a runner, you will want to build endurance in the tissues before returning to quick explosive speed work.

Managing Symptoms During the 4 Phase Approach

There are many different devices, that can help minimize symptoms while performing home treatment for plantar fasciitis. In our article 7 Ways to Treat Plantar Fasciitis at Home, we discuss these strategies in detail. In summary, stretching and supportive devices can minimize the painful symptoms. The more normal you can move around your heel, the less strain your body will experience.

Introduction to Home Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Watch our Youtube video describing our strategies mentioned above. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel! We

Follow along with our next blog post, Stretch and Mobilize Plantar Fasciitis, for the specific exercises we use with our patients to eliminate plantar fasciitis!

Are you looking for a provider to help with your heel pain? Peak Form Health Center has the sport doctors that can help! We are conveniently located in Mission Valley, San Diego near the neighborhoods of UTC, La Jolla, Normal Heights, Hill Crest, Mission Hills, and Kensington.